
Knightlands is a Free-to-Play, Multi-chain Play-to-Earn RPG. The game runs in any modern browser, and doesn't require a cryptocurrency wallet to play!

Players start with the main character and will need to build up a legion of their own troops and generals as he progresses in the game.

All art assets have been granted approval from the talented Ækashics Librarium for use in the game and future use as NFTs.

Knightlands looks like a very simple RPG, but it has deep mechanics and requires complex strategies in order to maximize the player’s success. The nostalgic factors of the game and the team’s willingness to listen to players' feedback have resulted in a strong growing community even while the play-to-earn opportunities have yet to be officially implemented.

Players can earn by:

  • Participating in Group raids and weekly tourneys to earn FLESH.

  • Selling FLESH on a DEX such as Quickswap

  • Increasing their total seasonal points to get a portion of the stable coin prize pool at the end of each season.

  • Participating in special events.

Last updated